ZigaForm version 6.1.1

Beauty 60 APP

Beauty 60 APP

Dear Designers, Beauty 60 Event wants to offer you better sales and we thought of an Cheap Weekly event and thinking of customers who find it more convenient to find the items in the same place. Beauty 60 Event is characterized by having good traffic. We love to have your assistance

We offer you a stand with 60 prims for only 500L$ weekly and you can put the products you want between 60 and 90L$. ♥


•Your items must be ready before 12PM on Monday.

•You must put in your store the Beauty 60 logo next to the panel with invitation to the group and delivery of Hud.

•You will only be able to pay your rental box if you have been accepted.
It is not necessary for you to contact us, we will contact you if you have been accepted.

•More instructions in the Welcome Package that we will give you in the case of being Accepted.

•Paydays : From Tuesday to Thursday. of each week

•Contact the Beauty 60 manager: LadySoraya Ruby [ Please , Only NoteCard ]
•Pay your rent, you can pay for 1 week or 4. (If you pay 4, you will get an Extra week).
•Every Monday at 12PM ( Limit Time ), your stand must be ready .
•On Saturdays at 12 PM we will be return all the items..

•Open Event Tuesday at 12 PM.

•Remember to respect your prim. limit.

Profile Data

Info about you Brand

About payment

The fee should be paid only after your participation is confirmed. *