ZigaForm version 7.2.5


The Best Brands * The Best Articles

SPECIAL PROMO: If you pay for 3 Months, the 4rd Month is FREE.
At CUTTE Event we want to bring together the best designers to offer the best opportunities to our clients. *.

• We ask 1 exclusive item (mandatory) & 1 item in “Beauty Price” (mandatory). Cutte Price is an special request of us to the all of the designer where you must to sell one color or item in 98L$ (we provide to you the special label).

• Remember to send your articles to bloggers so that your article is more seen, this benefits you and the event.

• Categories you can join: clothing, jewelry, furniture, tattoos, accessories, animations, gadgets, cosmetics, hair, shapes, home and garden decoration, etc…

• Allowed scripts:
– Landmark giver
– Social Media
– Redelivery

• Media Partners :

Media Partner: Media SL, Seraphim,Fitmesh Fanatic, SL F&O, Power Woman And Mesh Body Friends, Teleport Hub, Beauty 60

► Schedule:
* Days set up every month 15 from 20 – The designer who does not comply with the setup days, will be sanctioned (1000L$).

– Open event: Day 21.
– Event closed: Day 5 of the next month

► Sponsor 3000L$ | 120 PRIMS
► Regular 2000L$ | 80 PRIMS
► Mini 1000L$ | 50 PRIMS

► GENERAL MANAGER – LadySoraya Ruby

► MANAGER RRPP – AroaMatyyne
► MANAGER Bloggers – lllalejandralll
► OWNER –  LadySoraya Ruby